Pashupatinath – Temple and Ghats » Cremation Ghats – Pashupatinath

Incredibly moving and dramatic experience. No way to express unless you are really there.

Sadhus – Pashupatinath – Kathmandu Cremation Ghat – Pashupatinath – Family

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. cremation urn
    Jan 31, 2012 @ 09:37:00

    The place of Nepal is situated in the north of India and the south of China. It chosen to be a monarchy once but now it is the world’s youngest republic. The new identify presented to the former kingdom is “Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal”. The land is rather modest with an spot of about 147181 sq. kilometres and thought to be as the 93rd most significant country. Geographically, it is 800 miles extensive and two hundred miles huge. It is divided in primarily 3 areas Siwalik, Terai and the plains regions. 1 of the most striking capabilities is its healthy attractiveness consequently an attracting place for mountaineering expeditions.


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