
My first decent attempt at a blog finds us preparing for our trip to Nepal. On April 28th at 8:00 pm we depart Houston, Texas for Kathmandu, Nepal via Doha, Qatar. Incredibly, there is non-stop flight from Houston to Qatar which is helping us avoid a lengthy layover and terminal change in Delhi. Delhi, we’ll see ya another time…just not now. We arrive in Kathmandu Saturday April 30th at 8:20 AM (24 hours after departue + 1 day lost to far east travel), only to hopefully stay awake through jet lag and explore cremation grounds, grand Buddhist and Hindu temples displaying elaborate relief statues, shops, street food, restaurants, and bars — culminating in a blessing from monks hopefully granting good karma to our trek.

We will spend a few days in Kathmandu and the adjacent Kathmandu Valley, where even some of the hotels are UNESCO World Heritage sites. On May 2nd we bus 7 hours to Besi Shahar and the trailhead to the Annapunra Circuit which circles the Annapurna Sanctuary and a whole chain of 20,000 foot plus peaks. We will face a few challenges: I am in condition, but have extra body mass to carry and will be sporting somewhat heavy but well broken-in hiking boots. Michelle had ankle surgery late last year and will be battling some swelling. And of course the altitude is the great unknown. If I were a betting man, I’d lay money on my wife Rebecca to finish the trek in the best shape as she rocks a 7 day per week regimen going to the gym and hot yoga. We will try to keep up, sweetheart! We’ve been reading up on Himalayan culture and hopefully faux pas in a cultural regard will be minimal.

Our trek will be of between 11-12 days in duration, ending at Kagbeni in the sacred region of Upper Mustang. From Kagbeni, we will transport to Jomsom where we will catch a mountain hopper plane to Pokhara, the second largest city in Nepal. In Pokhara we will unwind by the lake for about a day before we either take another commuter flight or a bus back to Kathmandu and our departure on May 18th. We hope to spend a total of three or four days total in Kathmandu, but there are variables most notable being acclimatization to the altitude which will reach 5416 meters (17,800 feet) at Thorung La Pass.

Stay tuned for more updates and pictures posted from Kathmandu and the Circuit!


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Lorrie
    Apr 26, 2011 @ 20:37:47

    I look foward to the posts! I wish y’all all the best and my thoughts and prayers are going up the mountain with all three of you.

    Take care and be safe!


  2. nina
    Apr 28, 2011 @ 22:19:57

    Hope to see some food photos. You are going to have a blast….Nina


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